The Nicaraguan Agape Relief Foundation

Nicarelief is a Nicaraguan non profit organization created to help those in need in Nicaragua and other ​Central American countries. Nicaragua Agape offers assistance with educational supplies, housing and ​medical conditions, and additional guidance related to daily needs.

About Nicaragua

To those who may not be familiar with Nicaragua, the country is one of ​the poorest in the Western Hemisphere. The combination of years of ​devastation from natural disasters and political strife has left many ​Nicaraguans in dire need. Most rural areas lack running water, indoor ​bathrooms, electricity and paved roads. Additionally, at best, health ​services are limited, and stable employment is difficult.

Nicaragua map city vector style color of country flag.

Words from our founder: ​Gloria Davis

I was born in Managua, Nicaragua and I came to the U.S., at a young age. It’s in District of Columbia and ​Maryland area where I have resided over 40 plus years. My dear mother died in 1997 and her request was to ​be buried in her birthplace. After being away from Nicaragua for 22 years, I honored my mother request. It ​was as if I was returning to a foreign land. Consequently, I was grieving the death of my mom and at the same ​time, grieving the poverty that was in my face. My heart and spirit was troubled. I came back to the U.S., and I ​am ashamed to say I made no effort to do anything. I made another trip to Nicaragua in 2006, and I realized ​that I could do something to help the people.

​I tried venturing out on my own to start a non-profit organization, needless to say it failed. I couldn’t get any ​help or capital for the project. As I got closer to the creator, the vision resurfaced and this time I knew I had ​the backing of the creator. So here I am in 2020 trusting in the Lord and with His guidance and blessing, I ​founded the Nicaraguan Agape Relief Foundation (NARF).

I am currently employed for a federal agency for approximately 24 years. I am a later bloomer in receiving my ​degree. In 2011, I received my Bachelor degree in Business Administration and in 2013; I received my Master ​degree in Organizational Management. I intend to finish the project till the Lord says, well done my faithful ​servant.